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The LiquiDip Duo is ideal for sampling low viscosity liquids.

• Individually bagged
• Made from FDA, EC 1935/2004 & EU 10/2011 conforming materials
• Cleanroom assembly and packing (ensures cleanliness)
• No seal required
• Available sterile (SAL 10-6 ) and non-sterile 

The LiquiDip Duo is a versatile sampler for taking both cross sectional samples and point samples.

Point Sampling -              
1. Close the top valve.
2. Push sampler into the liquid to the point required.
3. Open top valve and let liquid flow in.
4. Close top valve and remove sampler

Cross Sectional Sampling -
1. Ensure the top and bottom valves are open
2. Push sampler into the container until it reaches the bottom.
3. Push sampler against the container base to close the valve.
4. Close top valve with hand to ensure liquid is trapped inside

Part NumberCapacityLengthSterileMaterialQuantity
Model Item Quantity Unit Price Line Total
80ml / Non Sterile - SteriWare® LiquiDip Duo 80ml / Non Sterile - SteriWare® LiquiDip Duo
$ 0.00
80ml / Sterile - SteriWare® LiquiDip Duo 80ml / Sterile - SteriWare® LiquiDip Duo
$ 0.00
225ml / Non Sterile - SteriWare® LiquiDip Duo 225ml / Non Sterile - SteriWare® LiquiDip Duo
$ 0.00
225ml / Sterile - SteriWare® LiquiDip Duo 225ml / Sterile - SteriWare® LiquiDip Duo
$ 0.00
$ 0.00

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