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Simple to operate. Takes a sample within seconds.

• Assembled & Packed in a Cleanroom
• Individually Bagged
• Made from FDA, EC 1935/2004 & EU 10/2011 conforming materials
• BSE/TSE Free
• Full Batch Traceability
• Ergonomic handle
• Available sterile (SAL 10-6 ) and non-sterile 

1. Insert the sampler into the product
2. At the required depth pull up the handle. The sample will be drawn into the sampler
3. Withdraw sampler
4. Push down handle to expel the sample  

Note: The further the handle is pulled the greater the sample volume

Part NumberVolumeLengthDiameter of Hole in TipOuter Tube DiameterSterileMaterialQuantity
SS-8055P-500100ml500mm10mm21mmNoPolyproyplene (PP)20/Box
SS-8055P-1000190ml1000mm10mm21mmNoPolypropylene (PP)20/Box
Model Item Quantity Unit Price Line Total
100ml / Non Sterile - SteriWare® ViscoThief 100ml / Non Sterile - SteriWare® ViscoThief
$ 0.00
100ml / Sterile - SteriWare® ViscoThief 100ml / Sterile - SteriWare® ViscoThief
$ 0.00
190ml / Non Sterile - SteriWare® ViscoThief 190ml / Non Sterile - SteriWare® ViscoThief
$ 0.00
190ml / Sterile - SteriWare® ViscoThief 190ml / Sterile - SteriWare® ViscoThief
$ 0.00
300ml / Non Sterile - SteriWare® ViscoThief 300ml / Non Sterile - SteriWare® ViscoThief
$ 0.00
300ml / Sterile - SteriWare® ViscoThief 300ml / Sterile - SteriWare® ViscoThief
$ 0.00
100ml / PP / Non Sterile - SteriWare® ViscoThief 100ml / PP / Non Sterile - SteriWare® ViscoThief
$ 0.00
190ml / PP / Non Sterile - SteriWare® ViscoThief 190ml / PP / Non Sterile - SteriWare® ViscoThief
$ 0.00
$ 0.00

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