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• Superior high efficiency media for filtration and removal capabilities 
• No oxidizing chemicals typically needed for regeneration (See Testing For ORP below)
• High efficiency with 80% manganese dioxide for enhanced performance and capacity
• Highest flow rate of any standard iron removal media
• NSF Certified ANSI/NSF Std.61
Operating Conditions 
Active Ingredient: 75-85% Manganese Dioxide
Max Service Flow: 6 GPM/cu.ft.
Freeboard: 30%-50% of bed depth
Backwash Rate: Backwash Rater 16-30 GPM/sq.ft, depending on application specific variables, minimum recommended bed expansion is 15% 
Bed Depth: 20 Inch Minimum 
pH Range: 6.5 - 9.0 
Screen Size: 12 x 40
Bulk Density: 110 lbs/cu.ft.
Removal Capacity
Iron: 10 ppm 
Hydrogen Sulfide: 3 ppm
Manganese: 5 ppm 

Comparative Information 
Greensand: 0.5% Manganese Dioxide 
Filox™: 75% - 85% Manganese Dioxide

The use of additional oxidizing agents (oxygen, chlorine, ozone, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, etc.) is recommended.
Oxidizers will enhance the performance of Filox ™.
They oxidize the media, which enables Filox ™ to perform quicker and keep cleaner.
It is always a safe practice to install an oxidation method upstream (in front) of the Filox ™ bed.
Do not exceed 4 ppm free chlorine in the feed water stream or bed damage may occur.
Testing for ORP 
Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) can be the most important factor to take into consideration in certain waters.
Highly reducing waters may cause premature exhaustion or even destruction of the Filox™ bed. 
Precautions can be taken prior to installation that can prevent ORP problems.
Use one of the screening tests and follow instructions below if the subject water has reducing properties that will require additional oxidants. 
*Note: Watts recommends a small scale pilot test anytime the use of oxidizing agents are in question
Instructions- Test Kit #T10496 
1. Rinse bottle provided with sample water to be tested 
2. Place sample water into bottle up to fill line 
3. Invent reagent dropper bottle 3 times to ensure it is thoroughly mixed
4. Remove reagent cap and add 1 drop of reagent into the bottle containing water sample
5. cap sample bottle and invert 
6. Let solution stand for 15 minutes
7. If solution remains pink, Filox™ can likely be used without using additional oxidizers
8. If solution does not remain pink and turn yellow or clear, additonal oxidizers such as chlorine should be added upstream of the Filox™ system  
*Note: If treating high levels or multiple contaminants, additional oxidants mat be required even if the water passes this simple test
ORP Meter Test 
Must use a calibrated ORP Meter.
Any reading that is above a negative 170 millivolts indicates that Filox™ can be used effectively, possibly without additional oxidants. 
Any reading falling below a negative 170 millivolts indicates that additional oxidants will be required.
See disclaimer on inside Front Cover 

Part NumberDescriptionCubic Feet Per BagContainer Wt. (lbs.)Quantity
A8033Filox™ media0.55538/Pallet


Model Item Quantity Unit Price Line Total
Filox™ Media - Filox™ Media Iron, Hydrogen Sulfide, and Manganese Reduction Filox™ Media - Filox™ Media Iron, Hydrogen Sulfide, and Manganese Reduction
$ 0.00
$ 0.00